This weekend was a big weekend for me! I mentored a group of aspiring young artists, taught them to paint, then created a huge mural with them, filmed it all, then co-produced and hosted the first episode for my new television show concept, American Artland. Scroll to bottom to watch teaser.

The premise of the 10-part show is to ignite creativity and passion where it is needed most- in America's youth. The kids selected for the show will transform from creative hopefuls to creative leaders in their community by the end of each episode. Think heart-warming qualities of "Extreme Home Makeover" meets feel-good docuseries that leaves you feeling inspired.
In each episode, I will be mentoring, teaching art lessons and guiding a group of kids from the Boys and Girls of America. Together, we will leave our mark all across America- one mural at a time. The murals will all be themed to represent vintage American postcards- resulting in a mural you'll want to stand in front of and take selfies with! We will be beautifying buildings all across the country while enabling kids to create something larger-than-life... literally!
The tagline for the show is one that I truly believe in. It is also to be featured on the bottom of every mural:
You are the artist. Life is your canvas.
This was such a rewarding project for me because it's all about inspiring kids and showing them they can create something they didn't think was possible! The incredible group of kids from the Twin Cities Boys & Girls Club were so willing and excited to learn from me, and they even taught me a thing or two about being a kid again.

Our first mural project in Minneapolis was a huge success and I hope that the people here learn about the story behind it and appreciate it even more. The plan is to pick ten cities across America to beautify, with the whole process being documented within each episode ending with a big "reveal".
I'm looking forward to leaving my mark on America, one kid and one wall at a time.
You can watch the teaser right here: